YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Sabiha tribes call for protest against practices of pro-coalition factions in Lahj

LAHJ, May 20 (YPA) – Al-Sabiha tribes in Lahj province, southern Yemen, have called for a rally in protest against the practices they are being subjected to at the hands of “Al-Amaliqa” factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition.

A statement issued by the Al-Sabiha tribes yesterday, Sunday, said, “Today, the Al-Subiha areas face continuous attempts by war merchants, in various ways, to restrict their freedom and confiscate lands, rights, and money.”

The statement added that what businessman Issam Hazza was subjected to was considered “an insult to all the people of Al-Sabiha.”

The forces of the “First Al-Amaliqa Brigade,” led by Hamdi Shukri, which control the areas of the Al-Sabiha tribes, arrested the businessman Hazza about a week ago without any legal justification or clear charges.

It should be noted that the Al-Sabiha tribes, which are one of the largest tribes in southern Yemen, face many operations of exclusion and provocation by the factions loyal to the UAE, whether those present in Mocha city, led by Tariq Saleh, or the factions affiliated with the Southern Transitional Council (STC) in Aden.