YEMEN Press Agency

Arab researcher and thinker: We witnessed a majestic military parade in Sanaa

WORLD, Sept. 25 (YPA) – An Arab researcher and thinker praised the military parade held by the Yemeni armed forces in the Sabeen square in the capital Sana’a on the occasion of the ninth anniversary of the glorious September 21 revolution.

Researcher, thinker and head of the International Peace Forum Hussein al-Maliki said that “I had refrained from writing about the grievances of the Yemeni people due to special security circumstances, but the recent military parade attracts me to write more than ever.

Al-Maliki added in a post on his “X” platform,” Siege and war; They are the main reason for the growth of Sanaa’s power, which has become visible, if it were not for the war and the siege, we would not have witnessed a majestic and remarkable military parade. The Yemeni armed forces have practiced fighting from an early time, they stand out in the field more severe and worse than before, and those days have witnessed merit and military, political and economic competence, the latest of which is the military parade that drew the attention of all the free people of the world!!

He concluded, “Congratulations to Mr. Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, the brave Yemeni leader, the maker of transformations and miracles, on the occasion of the anniversary of the popular uprising that took place on September 21, 2014, and to the great Yemeni people, the patient resistance, and it is also for those valiant and patient forces, asking God Almighty to grant them victory.”