YEMEN Press Agency

Tribal conflicts exacerbated in Shabwa

SHABWA, Sept. 25 (YPA) – The phenomenon of land dispute between Yemeni tribes is widening in the Saud-led coalition-held areas. The latest news of land dispute between tribes came from Shabwa governorate, southeastern Yemen.

local sources confirmed that armed clashes took place on Sunday afternoon between the tribes of “Al-Babakri” and “Bafjeesh” in the Saleiba area, north of Al-Rawdah district, due to a dispute over land ownership between the two tribes.

It is noteworthy that the conflicts between tribes in the southern and eastern regions of Yemen occurred in conjunction with the emergence of a rift between Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Many observers believe that tribal conflicts represent a reflection of the existing conflict between Riyadh and Abu Dhabi in Yemen, in light of the state of polarization and financial support provided to the tribes by the two rivals.