YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-UAE factions break into several sites in Shabwa

SAHBWA, Aug. 24 (YPA) – The pro-UAE factions have arrived and stormed on Thursday several sites during their war “against terrorism” in the oil-rich province of Shabwa.

Wadah bin Attia, one of leaders in the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) the factions managed to break into the sites of “Al-Hanka Valley in Al-Hatib district, west of the province.

The armed factions loyal to the UAE have been waging a war to subjugate Abyan province in southern Yemen under the name of “combating terrorism” since October last year.

During the past three months, these factions have been subjected to escalating attacks, amid accusations by the STC’s activists against Saudi Arabia of supporting and financing “terrorist groups” in the province.

Al-Qaeda adopted a series of attacks, during the months of June and August, targeting the sites of the UAE-affiliated factions in Shabwa, using aircraft.