YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-coalition forces commit crime against citizen in Shabwa

SHABWA, July 18 (YPA) – Members of the UAE-funded “Al-Amaliqa” forces committed a crime against a citizen in Shabwa province, eastern Yemen, which was widespread condemned by the province’s people, local sources reported on Tuesday.

According to the sources, the Al-Amaliqa members opened fire yesterday, Monday, at the car of the citizen Hussein Abdullah Al-Raqabi Al-Masabi, which was carrying a number of women and children, near one of the forces’ points in Baihan area.

The sources explained that one of the checkpoint recruits demanded the citizen to remove his car from the point, and he replied that his car had suffered a sudden malfunction, but the recruit started shooting randomly without warning or searching the car.

Al-Masabi was injured in the pelvis and thigh, and was transferred to Ataq Hospital due to severe bleeding to receive treatment, the sources added.

The people of Shabwa are subjected to killing and excessive violations by the factions of the UAE-backed “Southern Transitional Council”, whom were brought in from Dhalea province and Yafea area in Lahj province.