YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi launches attack against regional advocates

SANAA, July. 14 (YPA) – Member of the Supreme Political Council in Sanaa, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, launched a sharp attack on the advocates of regionalism, stressing that Yemen is too big to be reduced to a region or a province.

“The regionalists are not patriotic and their loyalty is only to the part, not the whole,” Al-Houthi said on Twitter. “Their misfortune increases when they are traitors to the homeland, because they see Yemen as a back garden for Saudi Arabia.”

He stressed that they are angry when Sanaa embraces all the people of Yemen without discrimination, and that the leadership of Yemen in Sanaa remains patriotic and non-racist.

Al-Houthi called on everyone to be loyal to Yemen, and to actively participate in the campaign to lift the siege on Yemen on social media under the hashtag. “#Aggressive_States_Besiege_Yemen.”