YEMEN Press Agency

Leader in Islah Party released from UAE-run prisons in Al-Khokha

ADEN, July. 09 (YPA) – A leader of Islah Party was released on Sunday after being arrested arbitrarily by the UAE-backed armed factions in the coastal district of Al-Khokha of Hodeida province.

Anis Mansour, a Yemeni journalist affiliated with the Islah party and the former media adviser to the coalition-backed government’s embassy in Riyadh, revealed that his brother, Sabri Mansour, was arrested 3 months ago without any charges.

Mansour affirmed that his brother was released through tribal and political mediation from the prisons that the UAE-funded Tariq Saleh forces run in Al-Khokha.

“Sabri” is one of leaders in the so-called “Southern Resistance,” which is affiliated with the Islah Party,” he added. “29 members of his family were killed during the war against Sanaa forces.”

Anis Mansour is known for his publications against the UAE and its allied armed factions in the western coast and the coalition-held provinces.