YEMEN Press Agency

Hezbollah holds large-scale military exercises in southern Lebanon

BEIRUT, May 22 (YPA) – The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance movement has launched large-scale military exercises in Southern Lebanon, showcasing its strength ahead of the 23rd anniversary of the country’s liberation from the Israeli occupation, according to Al-Manar website.

The drills, which were held at a resistance camp near the village of Mleeta in southern Lebanon on Sunday, included several exercises simulating Hezbollah attacks on Israeli outposts in any future battle.

During the military exercise, Hezbollah displayed its combat capabilities, while its fighters paraded on all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles.

The resistance fighters successfully captured an enemy military vehicle, demonstrating their tactical prowess. They also showed valiant military skills using both light and heavy weapons, while simulating an attack on an Israeli settlement to capture the regime’s soldiers.

Several drones were also deployed and explosive-laden UAVs targeted potential Israeli targets in the drill venue.

Local, regional and international reporters were invited to cover the drill.