YEMEN Press Agency

Cold weather sweeps large parts of Yemeni provinces: Meteorology

SANAA, Jan. 17 (YPA) – The cold weather gets expected to go on to sweeping large parts of Yemeni provinces within the coming 24 hours.

According a weather forecast issued by the National Center of Meteorology, the cold wave may hit the provinces of Saada, Amran, Sanaa, Dhamar and Bayda, Lahj, Taiz, Ibb, Dhalea, Abyan, Shabwa and Hadramout.

The center indicated that fog may form on the heights of Hajjah, Mahweet, Raymah, Dhamar, Ibb, Dhalea, Taiz and Abyan, with active to very fast winds blowing on the south of the western coast and the entrance to Bab Al-Mandab, reaching maximum speed of 28 knots.

It warned citizens and farmers in cold provinces of the cold weather, taking the necessary precautions.

He called on motorists on mountainous roads and slopes of low horizontal visibility due to fog, and sea-goers and fishermen south of the Red Sea and the entrance to Bab al-Mandab.