YEMEN Press Agency

Ministry of Expatriates condemns killing of Yemeni expatriate by Saudi gunmen in Riyadh

SANAA, Jan. 17 (YPA) – The Ministry of Expatriate Affairs On Tuesday condemned the killing of Yemeni expatriate Khalid Ali Al-Ssamni at by Saudi gunmen during their robbery of his shop in Riyadh.

“Khaled Ali Al-Ssamni from the sons of Hazm Al-Udayn district in Ibb province was killed by four Saudi gunmen during the robbery of his shop and an attempt to loot his money in Riyadh,” the ministry said in a statement carried out by Yemen News Agency (SABA).

While condemning the positions of the UN Security Council that provide cover for Saudi Arabia’s crimes against civilians, the ministry called on the United Nations and international human rights organizations to play their role towards violations practiced by the Saudi regime against Yemeni residents.