YEMEN Press Agency

Gunmen attack STC’s HQ in Lawdar district, Abyan

ABYAN, Dec. 25 (YPA) – A violent explosion rocked the headquarters of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia in Lawdar district of Abyan province, southern Yemen, amid an escalation bombing attacks against  the UAE-backed forces in the province.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal, based on testimonies of local sources.

According to the sources, unknown gunmen threw a grenade bomb at the STC headquarters in Lawdar, causing damages to the building.

The attack came hours after three militia members of the STC were injured by an explosion of an improvised explosive device, targeting a military vehicle carrying militants loyal to the commander al-Akram Hanashi, while passing through the village of Al-Qashaber in Mudiyah district.

Akram Hanashi was killed in an assassination operation in the city of Aden, in late August.

The attack comes less than 48 hours after a similar explosion hit the STC’s militia members in Al-Mahfad district, killing and wounding 10 of them.