YEMEN Press Agency

Recruit of STC rapes child in Aden

SANAA, Dec. 11 (YPA) – A child was raped on Sunday in Aden city, which is under the control of UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council militia.

According to local sources, one of the young men believed to belong to transitional militia, raped a 5-year-old girl in al-Qa’id neighborhood of Al-khisaf area in Crater city, and fled to an unknown destination.

The sources indicated that a number of passers-by discovered the crime of raping the girl after the perpetrator managed to escape, amid an alert from the neighborhood and the region to search for the accused, without disclosing the health of the child.

The crimes of raping girls and children in the city of Aden have expanded due to the security chaos that has been hitting the city since the beginning of 2016.