YEMEN Press Agency

Why did UAE militia campaign fail to eradicate terrorism from Abyan?

SANAA, Oct. 16 (YPA) – The operations to root out terrorist groups carried out by the UAE-funded militias have failed miserably in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

Sources familiar with the matter said in Abyan that the operations of terrorist groups increased significantly during the past two months, despite the military campaigns waged by UAE militias against these groups.

The sources stated that violent confrontations continued for the second day in a row in Al-Mahfad district between Al-Qaeda militants and the militia, which resulted in a number of deaths and injuries on both sides.

There were reports that the official of moral guidance for al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, “Abu al-Omair al-Baydani”, was killed during the confrontations that took place on Saturday in “Wadi Dayqa” area of the district.

The sources explained that the reason for the failure of Abu Dhabi’s militia campaigns against terrorist groups is due to the “interlocking relations and exchange of services” that link the military factions loyal to the Saudi-led coalition to the groups in southern Yemen.

The mutual benefits between the coalition forces and terrorist organizations in southern Yemen have made the issue of pursuing terrorist groups a mere claim, to improve the image of the coalition before the international community, the sources added.

Some international press reports, starting with the Associated Press report in 2017 and ending with the “Pandora Documents” report last January, confirmed that terrorist organizations are an integral part of the coalition in the war on Yemen.

The sources pointed out that the heavy weapons owned by terrorist organizations, whether artillery or Katyusha rocket launchers, in addition to heavy machine guns, could never be available to them to this extent if they were not under the care of powerful and influential parties present on the Yemeni arena.

Last September, the militia affiliated with Abu Dhabi announced the launch of a large-scale military operation to expel terrorist groups from the coalition-held areas.