YEMEN Press Agency

Female student disappeared in Taiz university

TAIZ, Oct. 16 (YPA) – A Female student has disappeared hours after she entered her university in the city of Taiz in southwestern Yemen.

This was reported by Yemen News Portal on Saturday , based on testimonies of local sources.

The sources said that the student in the Department of Medical Physics at Faculty of Science at Taiz University Noha Abdullah Hamoud Saeed Al-Juma’i, disappeared last Thursday, after leaving her home in the neighborhood of Al-Dahi west of Taiz city, and entering her university.

The sources added that the surveillance camera monitored Noha’s entry into the university and did not monitor when she went out the university, indicating that she was subjected to something mysterious.

“Today, her family was allowed to search the university campus, without finding a trace of her, amid a deafening silence from the city security department, which received a report from her family immediately after her disappearance without taking any action or issuing an explanation,” one of the sources said.

It is noteworthy that the city of Taiz, which is under the controlled by the Islah militants, has been witnessing a dire security breakdown.

The city also has turned into an arena of clashes between the Saudi-led coalition factions, over royalties, which resulted in casualties, majority of them civilians.