YEMEN Press Agency

Kuwaiti Foreign Minister reiterats his country’s support for resolving the Russian-Ukrainian crisis through dialogue

KUWAIT, March 29 (YPA) – Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmed Nasser al-Sabah reiterated his country’s support of international efforts for a ceasefire and de-escalating tension in the Ukraine to find a peaceful solution through dialogue.

This came during a telephone conversation between Kuwaiti Foreign Minister  and his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, according to statements by the Kuwaiti and Russian foreign ministries.

The Kuwaiti statement said: Nasser “affirmed Kuwait’s commitment to the principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations.”

Nasser reiterated Kuwait’s “support for all international efforts and efforts that  call for a ceasefire, de-escalation, and resolving the crisis in Ukraine through dialogue and peaceful means.”

For its part, the Russian Foreign Ministry said that during the telephone call, it  discussed vital issues for the future development of friendly Russian-Kuwaiti relations, including strengthening trade, economic and investment cooperation between the two countries.

Lavrov stated that he had briefed Nasser on developments in Ukraine in the light of the Russian special military operation and the conduct of peaceful negotiations with the Ukrainian authorities.

Last month, Kuwait announced its rejection of Russian military operations in Ukraine and demanded a halt and dialogue to resolve the crisis between the two countries.