YEMEN Press Agency

Aden: Hadi’s PM involved in $122 million corruption deal

ADEN, March 29 (YPA) – Informed sources revealed a major corruption deal led by Hadi’s prime minister, Moeen Abdul Malik, estimated at more than $122 million.

The sources confirmed that Moeen Abdul Malik made a corruption deal with the department of Bezom’s company which he owns with his business partner Nazim Al-Saghir, to rent the power plant on a floating steamer to provide Aden with 100 MW of electricity in an illegal way.

A document issued by the Government’s Minister of Finance on March 28, 2022 confirmed the absolute rejection of the deal, which set the price of 4.25 cents per K.W. for three years, indicating that the price in this case is supposed to be a Build-Own-Operate contract

The document explained that the contract did not clarify the fuel liability for the company or the Government for three years.

In September 2021, Former  Hadi’s Transport Minister  Saleh al-Jabwani, said the electricity minister refused to pass the deal by signing a $122 million power lease.

Other sources confirmed that the actual value of the energy purchased did not exceed $6 million.