YEMEN Press Agency

Fatah: Ukraine crisis exposed the world’s inaction with the rights of Palestine

SANAA, March 20 (YPA)- Fatah spokesman Hussein Hamayel said that the Ukrainian crisis exposed the world’s inaction with the rights of the Palestinian people.

Hussein Hamayel noted the world’s inaction and disregard for the rights of the Palestinian people at a time when States were now standing between a mediator and a clear supporter of the parties to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

“For decades, the world has been watching Israeli occupation’s criminality and tyranny against the Palestinian people,” he said.

“The Palestinian people and their leadership, despite this decadence and inaction on the rights of our people, but our steadfastness have exposed all those who are deficient and conspirators to our cause,” Hamayel added.

“We are armed with the will and steadfastness of our people and their leadership in the face of all the deals and conspiracies that have been fought by the far and near, and we are absolutely confident that our state exists and our rights are being taken away, sooner or later.”

“It is a shame for a country that classifies a state of apartheid and commits crimes against humanity to mediate the Ukrainian crisis,” he said, stressing  that the Zionist Israel’s behavior has reached a level political stupidity for humanity in light of the executions on the ground and the war crimes it commits against the Palestinian people.