YEMEN Press Agency

Iranian Parliament: Saudi Arabia entered Yemen quagmire with UAE recommendations

SANAA, Aug. 14 (YPA) – The head of the Iranian Parliament’s Foreign Relations Committee, Abbas Kilro, confirmed, on Friday, that “Saudi Arabia entered the Yemeni quagmire with Emirati recommendations.”


According to RT Arabic, Abbas Kilro said, “We did not expect a Saudi delegation to attend the swearing-in ceremony of Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi, but we exchanged positive signals with the Saudi side.”


He added, “Saudi Arabia has been stuck in Yemen for 6 years, and their situation is bad there… We look forward to a better future for relations between Tehran and Riyadh.”


He continued, “We must transcend the differences and challenges in the region, because it does not absorb more tension.”


The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, announced, earlier, that “Baghdad hosted more than one round of dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran during the last period.”


The ministry’s spokesman, Saeed Khatibzadeh, had previously announced that “Tehran is ready to hold talks with Saudi Arabia at any level, and the countries of the region and both countries will witness the result of these talks.”