YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of women rally in Bayda to condemn coalition crimes

BAYDA, Aug. 13 (YPA) – A protest rally was staged on Friday by dozens of women in Bayda province to condemn the crimes committed by the Saudi-led coalition against the Yemeni people.

At trhe rally, the female participants confirmed their rejection of the Saudi series “Rashes” that targets the Yemeni woman, who proven her ability, steadfastness, in the face of the Saudi-led aggression coalition on Yemen.

They reiterated to continue steadfastness in the face of the coalition and to provide support to the Yemeni army for liberating the country from invaders and occupiers.

The rally praised the great victories made by the army and popular forces against the aggression coalition in all fronts.

The rally was organized by General Women’s Cultural Authority in the Radaa district of Bayda.