YEMEN Press Agency

Human Rights Ministry condemns Islah crimes in Taiz

SANAA, Aug. 14 (YPA) – Ministry of Human Rights strongly condemned on Friday the crimes committed by the Saudi-backed Islah militants against citizens in Taiz province.

The ministry affirmed in a statement that killing women, kidnapping children, storming homes, terrorizing their residents and looting their contents by the Saudi-led coalition and its tools in Bir Pasha area, are war crimes.

The statement denounced the recent armed clashes that broke out among the coalition’s tools Bir Pasha area, which resulted in 12 deaths and injuries, including a woman.

It called on the international community to stand responsibly towards these criminal acts, which confirm the absence of law and order in those coalition forces-held areas, where armed groups have continued looting, robbery, attacks on citizens.

The ministry affirmed its absolute rejection of the violations that citizens are subjected to anywhere.