YEMEN Press Agency

Israeli occupation army arrests 7 Palestinians, including freed prisoners

WEST BANK, Aug. 10 (YPA) – Israeli occupation forces arrested seven Palestinian citizens in the West Bank and occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) early on Tuesday.

Palestinian sources said that the occupying forces arrested four young men after raiding their homes and vandalizing their contents in the town of town of Deir al-Ghusun.

Clashes also took place between youths and  Zionist soldiers who fired tear gas canisters and bullets, injuring and arresting a young man.

The occupying forces arrested two freed prisoners from the town of Dura, southwest of Hebron, after raiding and searching their homes.

The occupation forces also set up military checkpoints at the entrances to the towns of Sa’ir and Halhul as well as at the entrances to the northern city of Hebron, and stopped and searched vehicles and checked citizens’ cards.