YEMEN Press Agency

Sudanese Professionals Association demands to inspect military headquarters

SANAA, Jun. 4 (YPA) – The Sudanese Professionals Association called on the Attorney General to form a committee from the Public Prosecution and the Bar Association to inspect all headquarters of the Rapid Support Forces and other forces and police guards, to ensure that they are completely free of civilian detainees.
In a statement, the Association stated that its proposal comes in the context of confronting the systematic human rights violations that began during the era of the previous regime, and which are still continuing on Monday through official and unofficial bodies.
Last week, a young man was killed under torture in one of the headquarters of the Rapid Support Forces, which is led by the Vice President of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo (Hemedti), which sparked widespread anger in the political and popular circles.
The Association also demanded that investigations be opened into these cases of arrest, considering them to be kidnapping and illegal detention, provided that the committee submits its report to the public opinion with transparency.
The Association stressed the need to address the Attorney General of the Rapid Support Forces and the Armed Forces to clarify the unlawfulness of any exercise of the power of arrest and investigation or any exposure to civilians in any way by any party, except for the police.