YEMEN Press Agency

Zionist forces arrest 13 Palestinians from West Bank, Al-Quds

SANAA, Nov. 16 (YPA) –  The Zionist enemy forces on Monday morning  arrested 13 Palestinians from separate areas in West Bank and al-Quds.

Palestinian sources reported that the enemy forces shot at a girl who was walking near the Qalandia checkpoint in al-Quds, before chasing and arresting her, accompanied by a young man who was walking next to her.

Eyewitnesses added that the enemy forces closed the Qalandia checkpoint in both directions.

The enemy forces also arrested seven citizens of the Hebron governorate in West Bank , from their homes after raided and searched them.

The enemy forces stormed the towns of Yatta and As Samu’, and set up their military checkpoints at the northern entrance to the city of Hebron, and at the entrances to the towns of Sa’ir and Halhul, obstructed the movement of citizens, searched their vehicles and checked their identity cards.

The enemy forces also arrested a young man after they raided his house in the town of Anata, northeast of Jerusalem.

The enemy forces also arrested two young men during their storming of the town of Kober northwest of Ramallah.

From the town of Silwan, the enemy forces arrested a young man after storming his house in the Wadi Qaddum neighborhood.