YEMEN Press Agency

Activists launch campaign to save lives of two brothers

HODEIDAH, Sept, 27 (YPA) – Activists on social media have launched a campaign on Sundayto save the lives of two brothers in a hospital in the Southern port city of Aden province, months after their health deteriorated, as they were hit by as a military vehicle belonging to the UAE-funded “Tariq Afash Forces” on the west coast.

The activists posted pictures of the injured, Ali Dawood Zuhair and his brother Abdulaziz, a member of the Zuhair tribe on the west coast, after their condition deteriorated. One of them is suffering from brain atrophy due to medical negligence, at Bir Ahmed hospital.

The hospital administration deliberately neglected them, after it decided to stop the treatment and transfer them to the residence of the wounded in Bir Ahmed, after the command of the “joint forces” of the forces of the west coast refused to pay for the treatment, or to transfer them abroad, as  he promised their  family last August, according to the activists.

The transfer of the injured to Aden followed promises by Tariq Afash to send them for treatment in Egypt, which has not yet been achieved, and Tariq’s forces have not paid for treatment at Bir Ahmed Hospital, which has worsened their health.

Child-run incidents have become a tragic reality for residents of the West Coast, under the control of the UAE-backed Tariq Afash forces.