YEMEN Press Agency

Humanitarian corridors to besieged Al-Durayhimi city have not been opened for 2 years: Hodeidah Governor

HODEIDAH, Sep. 27 (YPA) – Governor of Hodeidah province, Mohammed Ayyash Quhim, on Sunday confirmed that the UN redeployment coordination team had not worked to open the humanitarian corridors to Al-Durayhimi city besieged by Saudi-led coalition forces for more than two years.

Quhim pointed out that Hodeidah province has been subjected to large breaches and attacks since the Sweden agreement, amid the silence of the United Nations, which did not act towards these crimes, nor towards the military escalations of the coalition mercenaries in the outskirts of Hays district.

“We are waiting for a firm stance from the international community to pressure the Aggression Coalition forces to lift the siege and end the suffering,” Quhim told Al-Masirah TV channel.