YEMEN Press Agency

YPC warns of humanitarian catastrophe due to aggression’s detention of oil derivatives ships

SANAA, June 21 (YPA) – Yemen Petroleum Company (YPC) renewed the warning of a humanitarian catastrophe in the event that the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition continues to detain oil derivatives ships.

The company said in a press conference held on Sunday in front of the United Nations building in the capital Sanaa: “The aggression forces continue to detain more than 15 ships loaded with approximately 240,000 tons of gasoline and diesel for 90 days, in addition to ships loaded with food, gas and diesel.”

The company pointed out that the company’s available stocks of gasoline and diesel have reached a critical stage and it is not sufficient to supply the most important vital sectors, and this will lead to the suspension of all sectors.

The company held the United Nations and the coalition aggression countries responsible for the outcome of the situation as a result of the suspension of all vital sectors completely as a result of the detention of oil derivative ships.