YEMEN Press Agency

Pentagon: Boeing will supply Saudi Arabia with more than 1,000 missiles

SANAA, May 14 (YPA) – The Boeing Company will supply Saudi Arabia with more than 1,000 missiles, the Pentagon said Wednesday.

According to the pentagon, the company will export about 650 SLAM ER missiles to Riyadh — air-to-air missiles and 402 Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

Riyadh has signed a $1.971 billion contract with the company to develop and transport 650 SLAM ER missiles to Saudi Arabia, the Pentagon added.

The missiles have a range of up to 270 km, and the deal is expected to take place until December 2028.

Harpoon missiles will be exported under another $656.98 million contract, with a range of 125 km.

It is noteworthy that the alliance of American-Saudi-Emirati aggression targets the Yemeni people with various types of banned weapons since March 26, 2015, committing the most heinous massacres against  children and women in unprecedented genocide and in the light of shameful international complicity.