YEMEN Press Agency

Civilians Killed, wounded in car bomb explosion in northern Syria

SANAA, May 14 (YPA) – A number of civilians were killed and wounded on Thursday, as a result of a car bomb explosion in Ras Al-Ain countryside northwest of Hasaka, north of Syria.
The Syrian news agency SANA reported that “a car bomb exploded in the village of Shallah in the countryside of Ras al-Ain, where the Turkish occupation forces and their Takfiri mercenaries are deployed northwest of Hasaka, which led to the killing and injuring of a number of civilians and material damage.”

The areas where the Takfiri groups that take orders from the Turkish regime are spread in the countryside of Hasakah and Raqqa and Aleppo are cases of chaos and lawlessness due to the conflicts between these groups to share influence and control, leading to civilian casualties and damage to their property.