YEMEN Press Agency

Pro-Hadi military battalion joins STC’s militia in Socotra

SOCOTRA, May 5 (YPA) – A military battalion of Hadi’s forces on Socotra Island on Monday announced its joining of the UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia, local sources reported.

The military battalion known as the “President’s Tent”, in the central Dixum district, declared its loyalty to the STC, the sources explained.

This came a week after the Dixum Police Station joined the STC militia, which is supervised by the UAE occupation representative Khalfan al-Mazroei in Socotra.

On Saturday, violent clashes erupted at the entrances to the city of Hadibu, the capital of the island, between the STC militias and Islah Party’s militants, which ended with an agreement that entrusted Saudi forces with the security of the city’s entrances and the protection of the airport and port of Socotra.