YEMEN Press Agency

Acting Hodeidah governor of denounces UN silence towards coalition violations

HODEIDAH, March 2 (YPA) – Acting Governor of Hodiedah Mohammad Ayyash Qahim, on Monday condemned the UN silence towards the Saudi-led aggression coalition violations in Hodeidah.

Qahim said that preventing the head of UN Mission to Support the Hodeidah Agreement, Abhijit Guha, from visiting Hais and Druryhimi areas in the province, is a flagrant violation of the international law and Hodeidah agreement.

The acting governor affirmed that the siege and bombing continued by the coalition forces on various areas in the province, other side did not carry out any steps to progress in implementing the UN-sponsored Stockholm agreement.

“The employees’ salaries are still seized in the coalition forces-held areas of Hodeidah,”he added.