YEMEN Press Agency
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Iran begins construction of new nuclear power plant

SANAA, Dec. 04 (YPA) - Iran announced the start of construction of a new nuclear power plant in the southwest of the country. Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Mohammad Eslami, told reporters, "The establishment of the (Karoon)…

Iran vows to prevent US naval parades from sailing in Gulf

SANAA, Nov. 22 (YPA) - Iran's naval forces vowed on Tuesday to prevent American drones from sailing in the Gulf waters as a threat to its security. Commander of the Iranian Navy, Shahram Irani, said in a statement, "We had earlier seized a…

Iran unveils new missile system

TEHRAN, Nov. 06 (YPA) - The Iranian armed forces revealed on Sunday the “Bavar 373” missile system, with a range of more than 300 kilometers. According to IRNA, "The Power 373 system was tested against long-range fixed targets, with the…