YEMEN Press Agency
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Yemen & World

YSP Leader subjected to assassination attempt in Aden

ADEN, April 12 (YPA) - A leader of the Yemeni Socialist Party (YSP), Abdo Ali al-Gladi al-Subaihi, was shot on Thursday by a silencer gun in an assassination attempt by unidentified gunmen in the city of Aden, an official told Yemen Prass…

Le Figaro: Saudi crown prince is a contradictory man

SANAA, April .12 (YPA)-  Le Figaro, morning daily French newspaper attacked Saudi crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, saying that he is a contradictory man. The newspaper highlighted the great contradiction between  his words and actions,…

Trump demands King Salman quick end to Gulf crisis

SANAA, April.12 (YAP) - US President Donald Trump demanded Saudi Arabia’s king Salman and its Arab partners a quick end of the year-long dispute with Qatar, which has caused rifts between US allies in the region, according US officials.…

Syrian army takes control all over eastern Ghouta

SANAA, April, 12 (YPA) - Syria’s army took full control over the city of Douma that was held by Jaysh Al-Islam group and now entire Eastern Ghouta is under control of government forces, chief of the Russian center for reconciliation of the…