YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

4 of militias killed in front lines

SANAA, May 19 (YPA) – The Yemen Army on Saturday killed four of Saudi-backed militias in several fronts of Asir and Najran Saudi border provinces and Bayda province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. In Asir, The militias, Faiadh al-Arasi…

Yemen army kills 3 of militias in Jawf

JAWF, May 19 (YPA) – The Yemen army on Saturday killed three of Saudi-backed militias, including a leader, in Jawf province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The militias were killed by the army’s fires in the front lines. On Friday, the…

3 Saudi-led airstrikes waged on Sanaa

SANAA, May 19 (YPA) – The warplanes of US-backed Saudi-led coalition on Saturday launched three strikes on Sanaa province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The air strikes targeted Mahali and Madfoon areas of Nehm district, the center…

Saudi artillery hits Saada

SAADA, May 19 (YPA) – The Saudi artillery and rockets fired on Saturday towards various districts of Saada province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The sheeling hit various areas of several districts of Baqim, Monabah and…

Yemen army destroys 3 militias’ vehicles in Jawf

JAWF, May 18 (YPA) –Three of Saudi-backed militias’ military vehicle on Friday were destroyed in an ambush carried out by the Yemen army in Jawf province, Ansar Allah Media Center reported. The ambush destroyed the military vehicles in…

clashes between militias kill, injure over 20 in Marib

MARIB, May 18 (YPA) - A clashes between Saudi- led militias was took place in Marib province,  Ansar Allah media center reported on Friday. Over 20 of the militias were killed and injured during the clashes in government compound. …