YEMEN Press Agency
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U.S.-Saudi Aggression

Saudi-led coalition’s bombardments hit Saada

SAADA, April 20 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition on Monday launched artillery and missile attacks on several border districts in Yemen’s Saada province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency. According to the official, the artillery…

10 Saudi-led airstrikes hit Marib, Jawf

MARIB, April 20 (YPA) - The US-backed Saudi-led coalition aggression on Monday launched 10 airstrikes on Marib and Jawf provinces, officials told Yemen Press Agency. In Marib, the coalition's warplanes waged six strikes on Serwah district…

Yemeni defenses shoot down Saudi spy plane in Hodeidah

HODEIDAH, April 20 (YPA) - The Yemeni army’s air defenses were able to shoot down an unmanned aerial vehicle belonging to Saudi-led coalition forces over airspace of Yemen’s western port city of Hodeidah, a military official said on late…

Leader loyal to Islah party vows to burn down UAE

ADEN, April 19 (YPA) - Anis Mansour, media advisor at embassy of Hadi’s government in Riyadh has described the UAE as the Arab devil, threatening to set it on fire. Anis Mansour, in a Facebook post, said that the UAE would burn drown.…

Coalition fighter jets target Marib, Jawf

JWAF, April 19 (YPA) – The Saudi-led aggression coalition warplanes continued on Sunday to escalate in its airstrikes on provinces of Marib and Jawf, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The official said that the fighter jets waged…