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Army attacks coalition militants in Jawf  

JAWF, April 6 (YPA) – The Yemeni army on Friday waged two attacks on sites of coalition-backed militants in Jawf province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The attacks killed, injured dozens of the militants in  al-Saqih area of…

Coalition fighter jets hit Bayda

BAYDA, April 6 (YPA) – Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on Friday waged two strikes on al-Sawdih district of Bayda province, an official told Yemen Press Agency. The strikes hit a gate of a prison and the building of finance. AA

Mahweet Governor condemns crime of rape in Khokha

MAHWEET, April 6 (YPA) - Mahweet Governor Faisal Ahmed Haidar strongly condemned on Thursday the crimes and violations of the coalition militias, the last of which was the rape of a woman in Khokha district by a Sudanese soldier. Haidar…

Agreement with Mercy Corps  was signed  in Mahweet

MAHWEET, April 5 (YPA) - Mahweet Governor,  Faisal Ahmed Haider,  signed an agreement on Thursday with Mercy Corps to deal with cases of malnutrition in the province. The agreement said that the  organization will support five health…