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Holding 19 oil ships off Yemen not true, PRI says

SANAA, April 30 (YPA) – The Public Radio International (PRI) investigated Saudi claims of Houthi forces seizures of oil ships off the coast and found that they were entirely made up. Stephen Snyder reports. A Saudi Arabian diplomat said…

4 Saudi-led air strikes hit Hodeida

HODEIDA, April 30 (YPA) – The Saudi-led coalition warplanes on Monday morning launched 4 air strikes on Yemen’s Red Sea Port of Hodeida, a military official told Yemen Press Agency. The air strikes hit al-Jabanh district in the province,…

Two coalition recruits arrested in Bayda

BAYDA, April 30 (YPA) – Two coalition-backed recruits were arrested by a security forces in Bayda province, a security official told Yemen Press Agency on Monday. The recruits are the people of  Thi Na'em district, who fought along with the…

Culture minister warns of collapse old buildings in Sanaa

SANAA, April 29 (YPA) – Minister of Culture, Abdullah Ahmad al-Kabsi on Sunday warned of a number of historical building of old Sanaa will be collapsed due to the heavy rains during the current season, in a statement obtained by Yemen Press…

Southern politician slams UAE Red Crescent in Aden

ADEN, April 29 (YPA) – A southern politician on Sunday criticized UAE Red Crescent that delivered a needy scarce aid for people of southern provinces. Politician, Hussein LaQur bin Edan said on his Facebook page that the UAE deliberately…