YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Civilian injured in armed attack in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Aug. 14 (YPA) - A civilian was wounded on Monday evening by gunmen who targeted his house in Hadramout province. According to eyewitnesses, the home of Aidaros al-Habashi was shot by the unidentified gunmen, and he was wounded…

Bodies of detainees Found in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 14 (YPA) - Free Zone Workers on Tuesday found a number of detainees and forcibly disappeared bodies who were buried in Aden province, a correspondent of Yemen Press Agency reported. According to eyewitnesses, the workers of the…

Several bodyguards killed in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 14 (YPA) – Several bodyguards of Taiz governor loyal to Saudi-led coalition were killed and others wounded on Tuesday in unknown gunmen's attack in Yemen's province of Aden, an reporter told Yemen Press Agency. Unknown gunmen on…

leaders of southern transitional council arrested in Shabwa

SHABWA, Aug. 14 (YPA) - Armed militias on Tuesday arrested a number of  southern transitional council leaders in, Shabwa province, the correspondent of Yemen Press Agency reported. The armed militias belonging to Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar and…

Commander loyal to coalition injured in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 13 (YPA) – A commander loyal to UAE occupation was injured on Monday in an assassination attempt in Yemen's province of Aden, an reporter told Yemen Press Agency. Unknown gunmen planted a bomb in front of a house of the commander…

Violent explosion shakes Mansoura in Aden

ADEN, Aug. 10 (YPA) – A violent explosion on Friday shook Mansoura district in Aden province, a local source told Yemen Press Agency. The explosion took place in Kaltaks roundabout in the line between Mansoura and Khu-Makser districts.…