YEMEN Press Agency
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Organized Crimes

Unknown gunmen assassinate citizen in Taiz

TAIZ, Dec. 16 (YPA) - Unknown gunmen assassinated on Wednesday evening a citizen in Taiz province, sources told Yemen Press Agency. Three armed men entered to al-Waleed market and shot at a qat seller called Musa and escaped. Taiz city…

Military commander’s son assassinated in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 14 (YPA) - Armed men assassinated son of the financial pillar of the so-called First Brigade, former (loyal to the Emirates) support and support Brigadier General Mahdi Muhammad Hantoush in the city of Mansoura in the occupied…

Armed gang assault son of military commander in Mocha

TAIZ, Dec. 13 (YPA) - Armed gang assaulted a military commander and his son in Mocha city of Taiz province, sources told Yemen Press Agency. The sources confirmed that the gunmen threatened the commander Ismail Mudaibish to kill his son…

Most dangerous robbery gang seized in Ibb

IBB, Nov. 6 (YPA) - Police in Ibb province have managed to arrest the most dangerous organized gang of robbery, after it had robbed many Yemeni daggers (Janbiya) from citizens at gunpoint. Director of Criminal Investigation Department in…