YEMEN Press Agency

Dozens of citizens besiege military commander loyal to coalition in Hadramout

HADRAMOUT, Sept. 3 (YPA) – Dozens of citizens opposed to the exiled Hadi’s authorities imposed a siege on the commander of the first military region loyal to “Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar” in the city of Seiyun of Yemen’s Hadramawt province, Yemen Press Agency reporter said on Monday.

According to the reporter, dozens of anti- Hadi protesters besieged the commander of the first Military zone, Saleh Mohammed Tomis, along with several others of Military commanders and members of the local authority, loyal to the military leader of the Islah party, Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar in side the governmental complex in the city.

Some protesters stormed the building, forcing Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar’s forces to release the activists who had been arrested while calling for a civil disobedience in the city of Seiyun .