YEMEN Press Agency

Sanaa Gov’t marks 62nd anniversary of September 26 Revolution

SANAA, Sept. 26 (YPA) – The Sanaa-based government organized on Thursday an official to mark the 62nd anniversary of the September 26 Revolution.

In the event, Prime Minister, Ahmed Al-Rahwi, said that the battle of the Yemeni revolutionaries in the Seas and Oceans and deep inside the enemy entity is a triumph for the nation and its sanctities.

“We must learn lessons and morals from the September Revolution to build a strong Yemen that possesses decision-making and creates sovereignty and independence,” Al-Rahwi stressed.

During the event, member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, affirmed that the goals of September 26 have been achieved by the September 21 Revolution in the sovereignty, independence, pride and dignity.

In his turn, Abdul Aziz bin Habtour, a member of the Supreme Political Council, said “the Yemeni revolutionaries are making the history of the nation in confronting the onslaught of the American-Israeli aggression on Palestine, Lebanon, and Yemen.”

“Those who claim to be related to the revolution while sleeping in the embrace of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are not revolutionaries, but rather beneficiaries, agents, and mercenaries,” he added.