YEMEN Press Agency

Child killed in run over accident by ambulance in Abyan

ABYAN, Sept. 24 (YPA) – A child was killed, on Tuesday, in a run-over accident by an ambulance that was driving at crazy speed in Al-Mahfad district in Abyan province, southern Yemen.

According to local sources, the child, Lasour Yaslam bin Afia Al-Lahaqqi, was killed in an accident in Dhaiqa area between Al-Mahfad and Maudiyah districts, by an ambulance that was on its way from Shabwa to Aden.

The sources explained that the ambulance driver managed to escape after the accident of running over the child who belongs to the Alhaq Bakazem tribe, indicating that a number of citizens arrested the ambulance driver in Al-Ain area west of Maudiyah, after informing them by the people of Dhaiqa.