YEMEN Press Agency

Chief, members of Supreme Judicial Council sworn in Sanaa

SANAA, Sept. 17 (YPA) – Abdul-Mumin Abdul-Qader Ali Shuja’ al-Din, sworn in before the President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat on Tuesday, aftre being appointed as the chief of the Supreme Judicial Council.

The members of the Supreme Judicial Council also took the legal oath, as follows:

Judge Abdul Samad Yahya Mohammed Al-Mutawakel as President of the Supreme Court.

Judge Abdul Salam Hassan Hussein Zaid Al-Houthi as Attorney General.

Judge Marwan Mohammed Ali Al-Mahqari as Chairman of the Judicial Inspection Authority.

Judge Hashem Ahmed Abdullah Aqabat as Secretary General of the Supreme Judicial Council.
Judge Alawi Sahl Ibrahim Aqeel as a member of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Judge Ahmed Abdullah Ahmed Al-Azani as a member of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Judge Abdul Wahab Yahya Abdullah Al-Mahbashi as a member of the Supreme Judicial Council.