YEMEN Press Agency

Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi vows coming surprises that exceed enemy’s expectations

SANAA, Aug. 29 (YPA) – The Leader of the Yemeni Revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi, confirmed on Thursday that the Gaza Support Front in Yemen has a growing and continuing influence on the American and Zionist enemy.

In his weekly speech on the latest developments in the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional developments, Sayyed Abdulmalik said that “Yemen is working to develop its capabilities,” promising surprises to come that “the enemy never expected and did not expect at all.”

Sayyed Abdulmalik also stressed that there is no political ceiling or other considerations that can limit the level of Yemeni operations in support of Gaza.

He reviewed an aspect of the military operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces, noting that the Yemeni Navy carried out qualitative and important operations this week, including the storming of the “Sounion” ship.

On Yemeni response to the Israeli enemy attacks, Sayyed Abdulmalik Al-Houthi said: “While we are concerned with the issue of response, our concern is greater than that, and we are keen to advance our operational performance in support of Palestine to more effective levels.”

He affirmed that preparations for responding to the Israeli enemy are continuing, and “the timing will be a surprise to the enemy.”

Regarding the support fronts, Sayyed Abdulmalik stressed that the Hezbollah front at the daily support level is a hot front with its continuous strikes and the losses it inflicts on the enemy.

He stated that Hezbollah carried out the response operation, bypassing the great pressure exerted on Lebanon.

In this context, the Leader of the Yemeni Revolution explained that the Islamic Resistance in Iraq carried out operations this week, including those towards occupied Haifa and towards occupied Umm al-Rashrash.

Regarding Iran, Sayyed Abdulmalik stated that Iran stresses the inevitability of the response, and the Americans are on great alert to try to contain the response.