YEMEN Press Agency

Thunderbolts kill 14 citizens in Hajjah

HAJJAH, Aug. 20 (YPA) – At least 14 citizens died in a number of districts of Hajjah province during the past few days as a result of thunderbolts.

The head of emergency operations in the governorate, Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Malhani, explained that the thunderbolts caused the death of three citizens in the Abs district and three others in the Kohlan Afar district.

Dr. Al-Malhani pointed out that eight citizens from the districts of Aslam, Bani Al-Awam, Wadhra, Al-Muftah, Al-Mahabisha, Kushar, Qufl-Shamr, and Al-Shaghadera died as a result of thunderbolts.

He called on citizens to adhere to the instructions related to taking shelter from thunderbolts and turning off electrical appliances and mobile phones in order to preserve their lives.