YEMEN Press Agency

Meteorology renews its warnings regarding weather conditions

SANAA, Aug. 18 (YPA) – The National Center of Meteorology and Early Warning has renewed its warnings to citizens in areas expected to receive rain.

In its weather bulletin on Sunday, the center also warned of rock slides, as well as the collapse of traditional mud houses, landslides, and strong descending winds.

It called on motorists to drive carefully on the mountain slopes and foothills as a result of the decrease in horizontal visibility due to rain and dense low clouds.

The center called for the relevant official authorities, each according to its position and jurisdiction, to take the necessary measures and procedures to protect lives and property.

It expected partly cloudy weather with heavy rains, with very high-speed descending winds, on the scattered areas of the provinces of Mahra, Hadramout, Shabwa, Abyan, Lahj, Bayda, Dhalea, Taiz, Ibb, Rayma, Dhamar, Sanaa, Mahweet, Hajjah, Amran, and Saada.

The center pointed out the winds would be very strong around the Socotra Archipelago, reaching a maximum speed of (55 knots), and moderate to very fast on the Gulf of Aden and the southern and eastern coasts.