YEMEN Press Agency

Germany’s capital witnesses massive demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine

BERLIN, Aug. 18 (YPA) – Hundreds of people took part in a demonstration in the German capital, Berlin, in support of Palestinian rights and in protest against the Zionist occupation’s aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The demonstrators demanded that the Zionist entity stop its aggression against Gaza, lift the siege, declare an immediate ceasefire, and allow all humanitarian aid materials to enter Gaza.

During the demonstration, the demonstrators carried banners reading “One genocide does not justify another,” “Germany’s silence is complicity,” “15,000 children were killed,” and “All parents cry in the same language.”

During the protest, slogans were chanted: “Stop the killing and war,” “You will see Palestine will be liberated,” “We are all Palestinians,” “Israel is the killer of children,” “Stop genocide,” and “Israel is a terrorist state.”

After the speeches, the police attacked the crowds with pepper gas in order to disperse the demonstration and arrested many demonstrators, sparking angry reactions against these actions.