YEMEN Press Agency

Yemen’s armed forces shoot down U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone in Marib

SANAA, May 29 (YPA) – Yemen’s armed forces announced on Wednesday that an U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone was shot down while it was carrying out hostile missions in the airspace of Marib province, east of Yemen.

The armed spokesman Brigadier General Yahiya Sarie said in a televised statement that the drone was targeted with a locally made surface-to-air missile.

He affirmed that shooting down of the drone came only days after another plane of the same type was shot down in the airspace of Bayda province.

Sarie stated that this plane that Yemeni air defenses shot down was the sixth during the Battle of the Promised Conquest and the Holy Jihad, in support of the Palestinian people.

The spokesman added that the Yemeni armed forces are continuing to develop their defense capabilities to confront the American-British aggression and all hostile forces, and also in a triumph for the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip until the aggression is stopped and the siege is lifted.