YEMEN Press Agency

Child seriously injured after military vehicle hit him in Aden

ADEN, Sept. 17 (YPA) – A child was seriously injured, Saturday,  when  a military vehicle belonging to a military commander in the city of Aden, hit him, local sources said.

According to the sources, an armored vehicle led by a relative of the commander of Al-Amaliqa First Brigade Raed al-Habhi, ran over a child while he was passing through a street in the city, before the driver fled.

The sources pointed out that a group of passers-by took  the child to the hospital, where he underwent several surgeries at the expense of his family, while the driver of the armored vehicle denied helping the child’s parents.

The incident comes in light of a series of vehicular crimes committed by military vehicles belonging to the Saudi-Emirati coalition factions, while traveling at high speed.