YEMEN Press Agency

New scandal hits pro-coalition factions in Marib

MARIB, Sept. 17 (YPA) – Officials at the ministry of defense in the government loyal to the Saudi-led coalition revealed on Saturday new looting of weapons belonging to its armed factions in the city of Marib, sources said on Saturday.

According to the sources, the commanders in the pro-coalition ministry’s brigades, which are affiliated with Islah, smuggled quantities of weapons and ammunition from their camps in Marib, and sold them in black markets in the center of the city.

The coalition’s weapons depots in Marib have been subjected to continuous looting recently, especially as threats escalated to topple the city, which is the last stronghold of Islah militants.

It is not yet clear whether the latest looting is related to fears that pro-coalition factions may leave the scene, in light of reports of the progress of negotiations between Sanaa and Riyadh, which are based separately from Al-Alimi and the pro-coalition government.