YEMEN Press Agency

UAE surrounds Ataq city in anticipation of any sudden Saudi attacks

SHABWA, Sept. 17 (YPA) – The UAE-backed factions have carried out massive movements to impose a military cordon on the city of Ataq, the administrative center of Shabwa province, eastern Yemen.

Informed sources reported on Saturday that the “Shabwa Defense Forces”, affiliated with the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), deployed large groups in various eastern and southern ports of the city of Ataq, and set up dozens of checkpoints.

Citizens had previously complained about the spread of a number of illegal checkpoints and roadblocks throughout Ataq, affirming that travelers and citizens passing by are being harassed and delayed for their work due to the overcrowding of cars.

According to observers, the new military deployment of the pro-UAE factions comes within the framework of fears of a surprise attack by the pro-Saudi factions on their main stronghold in the city of Ataq, especially with the escalation of their mobilizations on the outskirts of the oil-rich province.